Hari ini jam 15:00 - Rabu pukul 15:00
Jln. Palmerah Selatan 17
Jakarta, Indonesia
Tema : "Bising"
Acara ini terbuka untuk umum, siapa pun. Silakan menonton & simak acara ini.
Jika kamu seorang penyair atau dan sekaligus performance artist, kamu boleh gabung bersama kami tampil di acara ini!
[no-charge/acara ini tidak memungut bayaran apa pun dari kamu untuk berpartisipasi dalam acara ini]
C u there!
Contact Number / RSVP:
+62/0 21 91872599 | +62/0 85217292179 | kirim data diri ke : appreroom@yahoo.com / santopara@yahoo.com
Open to poets, performance artist or practitioners in the field of performance art that resides on the earth.
Admission: free [no charge]
Contact Number / RSVP:
+62 / 0 21 91872599 | +62 / 0 85217292179 | send personal data to: appreroom@yahoo.com / santopara@yahoo.com
Tema: Bising
Tempat : Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Jl. Palmerah Selatan - Jakarta
Waktu : 18-19-20 Oktober 2010 [Senin-Selasa-Rabu]
1. Exhibisi Foto & Puisi | Opening 18 Oktober 2010
[untuk umum : penampil / pengunjung]
2. Workshop 3 hari | 18-20 Oktober 2010 | 15.00-17.00 [untuk umum]
18/10 Senin
15.00-16.00 : "Aph-o-rism Project:Ruang Hening dalam Kata &
Performa" - Atieq SS Listyowati
16.00-17.00 :"Silence in ODc. Psychosomatic" - Okty Budiati
19/10 Selasa
15.00-17.00 : Sharing Forum - Presentasi Para Peserta Workshop
20/10 Rabu
15.00-17.00 : Sharing Forum - Presentasi Para Peserta Workshop
3. Performance
Open Mike & Performance Art | 18-20 Oktober 2010
17.00-21.00 [untuk umum : peserta/ audience]
* Mengembangkan wacana dan studi sejarah keberadaan seni di Asia demi perluasan wawasan budaya dengan keberadaan berbagai perspektif yang berbeda, antara tradisi dan kontemporer hingga perkembangan terkini melalui komparasi seni di negara-negara se-Asia;
* Meningkatkan kesadaran atas keberadaan ruang tak bertepi dalam kreativitas manusia sebagai sumber pengetahuan sekaligus refleksi kehidupan, serta kesenian agar menjadi oase dalam proses peradaban sekaligus kemampuan berpengetahuan melalui data faktual;
* Memberikan kontribusi pemikiran dan menumbuhkan sikap positif, toleransi dan pemahaman solidaritas dalam konteks global dan universal, vertikal dan horizontal di berbagai pihak melalui berbagai sharing forum dan networking di tataran internasional guna kebaikan bersama;
Kata-kata merupakan media paling tua untuk menjabarkan berbagai detil ungkapan pikiran, rasa dan karsa manusia. Namun keberadaannya hingga kini menjadi hal yang selalu menakjubkan untuk diperbincangkan.
Berbagai hal dalam setiap aspek kehidupan manusia baik dalam lingkup kosmos ini dimediasi oleh kata-kata. Baik kata-kata yang terujar dan tertera mau pun yang tertangkap melalui batu-batu prasasti, artefak dan manuskrip yang kemudian terangkum dalam berbagai kitab suci mau pun karya-karya ilmiah dan kumpulan teori-teori indah Socrates dan lain sebagainya. Semuanya itu menggugah manusia lainnya, di masa itu hingga kini yang melahirkan inspirasi-inspirasi baru yang tak bertepi dan tak berkesudahan.
Setiap kata mengandung masing-masing makna, semiotika, berupa gambaran atas sesuatu, reka bentuk atas hal tertentu. Maka kata memiliki gambarnya tersendiri. Sehingga ketika membaca gambar, yang terlahir adalah kata-kata. Bahkan kata-kata merupakan tubuh atau wadah bagi setiap benda. Raga merepresentasikan berbagai ungkap dan reaksi pikiran, rasa dan karsa manusia.
Tak hanya olah kata dalam bait-bait puisi, namun juga ketika gambar sanggup menyimpan jutaan kata-kata, kata-kata menjadi kunci ampuh bagi setiap orang berkehidupan [termasuk tubuh manusia]. Seni performa adalah salah satunya. Semuanya saling bermetamorfosa.
Apresiasi Kata, Performa dan Makna merupakan salah satu program edukatif, apresiatif di samping fungsinya yang menghibur di tataran seni / dunia estetika. Acara yang dikoordinasi oleh AppreRoom ini akan menjadi sumbangsih yang bermanfaat bagi khasanah pengetahuan siapa saja melalui dukungan Bentara Budaya Jakarta, tentunya.
Drawing Words: between Visual and Body
Related Programs
1. Photos & Poetry exhibition· Works artist / photographer of local & international.
2. Seminar / Discussion / Workshop 3 days [indoor & outdoors]
18/10 Monday
15.00-16.00 : "Aph-o-rism Project : Silence Space in Words &
Performa" by Atieq SS Listyowati
16.00-17.00 :"Silence in ODc. Psychosomatic" by Okty Budiati
19/10 Tuesday
15.00-17.00 : Sharing Forum/presentation by workshop's participants
20/10 Wednesday
15.00-17.00 : Sharing Forum/presentation by workshop's participants
3. Performance | 5-9pm | 18-20 Oct'
* · Open Mike [read poetry / prose]
· Together the poets and poetry readers of the local & international
* · Performance Art
· With the local and international performance artist |
Theme: Noise
Venue : Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Jl. Palmerah Selatan - Jakarta
Time: 18-19-20 October 2010 [Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday]
* 1. Photos & Poetry exhibition | Opening October 18, 2010
* 2. Seminar / Workshop 3 days | 18-20 October 2010· 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
* 3. Performance | Open Mike & Performance Art | 18-20 October 2010· 17:00 to 21:00
* Develop the existence of discourse and study art history in Asia for expansion of cultural insights with the existence of different perspectives, between tradition and contemporary to the latest developments through a comparison of art in all countries of Asia;
* Increase awareness of the existence of endless space in human creativity as a source of knowledge as well as a reflection of life, and art in order to become an oasis in the process of civilization as well as the ability of knowledge through factual data;
* To contribute ideas and cultivate a positive attitude, tolerance and understanding in the context of global solidarity and universal, vertical and horizontal in the various parties through sharing and networking forum in the international community for the common good;
The words are the oldest media to describe various details of the expression of thought, feeling, and intention of human. But its existence until now the thing that is always amazing to be discussed.
Various things in every aspect of human life both in the scope of the cosmos may be mediated by the words. Both words are listed stated and will even get caught by the stones inscriptions, artifacts and manuscripts are then summarized in the various scriptures like any scientific works and a collection of beautiful theories of Socrates and others. Overall it was evocative of other human beings, at that time until now the birth of new inspirations are endless and interminable.
Each word contains each meaning, semiotics, a picture of something, they form over a particular matter. So the word has its own image. So when reading images, which are born are the words. Even the words of a body or container for each object. Raga and represent a variety of reactions expressed thoughts, feeling and intention of human.
Not only were the words in the verses of poetry, but also when the picture could save millions of words, words become a powerful key to everyone in life [including the human body]. Performance art is one of them. Everything is metamorphosed to each other.
Words Appreciation, Performance and Meaning is one of the educational program, in addition to its function appreciative of entertaining at the level of art / aesthetic world. The event is coordinated by AppreRoom. This would be a useful contribution to the repertoire of knowledge through the support of anyone and Bentara Budaya Jakarta.
Tema : "Bising"
Acara ini terbuka untuk umum, siapa pun. Silakan menonton & simak acara ini.
Jika kamu seorang penyair atau dan sekaligus performance artist, kamu boleh gabung bersama kami tampil di acara ini!
[no-charge/acara ini tidak memungut bayaran apa pun dari kamu untuk berpartisipasi dalam acara ini]
C u there!
Contact Number / RSVP:
+62/0 21 91872599 | +62/0 85217292179 | kirim data diri ke : appreroom@yahoo.com / santopara@yahoo.com
Open to poets, performance artist or practitioners in the field of performance art that resides on the earth.
Admission: free [no charge]
Contact Number / RSVP:
+62 / 0 21 91872599 | +62 / 0 85217292179 | send personal data to: appreroom@yahoo.com / santopara@yahoo.com
Tema: Bising
Tempat : Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Jl. Palmerah Selatan - Jakarta
Waktu : 18-19-20 Oktober 2010 [Senin-Selasa-Rabu]
1. Exhibisi Foto & Puisi | Opening 18 Oktober 2010
[untuk umum : penampil / pengunjung]
2. Workshop 3 hari | 18-20 Oktober 2010 | 15.00-17.00 [untuk umum]
18/10 Senin
15.00-16.00 : "Aph-o-rism Project:Ruang Hening dalam Kata &
Performa" - Atieq SS Listyowati
16.00-17.00 :"Silence in ODc. Psychosomatic" - Okty Budiati
19/10 Selasa
15.00-17.00 : Sharing Forum - Presentasi Para Peserta Workshop
20/10 Rabu
15.00-17.00 : Sharing Forum - Presentasi Para Peserta Workshop
3. Performance
Open Mike & Performance Art | 18-20 Oktober 2010
17.00-21.00 [untuk umum : peserta/ audience]
* Mengembangkan wacana dan studi sejarah keberadaan seni di Asia demi perluasan wawasan budaya dengan keberadaan berbagai perspektif yang berbeda, antara tradisi dan kontemporer hingga perkembangan terkini melalui komparasi seni di negara-negara se-Asia;
* Meningkatkan kesadaran atas keberadaan ruang tak bertepi dalam kreativitas manusia sebagai sumber pengetahuan sekaligus refleksi kehidupan, serta kesenian agar menjadi oase dalam proses peradaban sekaligus kemampuan berpengetahuan melalui data faktual;
* Memberikan kontribusi pemikiran dan menumbuhkan sikap positif, toleransi dan pemahaman solidaritas dalam konteks global dan universal, vertikal dan horizontal di berbagai pihak melalui berbagai sharing forum dan networking di tataran internasional guna kebaikan bersama;
Kata-kata merupakan media paling tua untuk menjabarkan berbagai detil ungkapan pikiran, rasa dan karsa manusia. Namun keberadaannya hingga kini menjadi hal yang selalu menakjubkan untuk diperbincangkan.
Berbagai hal dalam setiap aspek kehidupan manusia baik dalam lingkup kosmos ini dimediasi oleh kata-kata. Baik kata-kata yang terujar dan tertera mau pun yang tertangkap melalui batu-batu prasasti, artefak dan manuskrip yang kemudian terangkum dalam berbagai kitab suci mau pun karya-karya ilmiah dan kumpulan teori-teori indah Socrates dan lain sebagainya. Semuanya itu menggugah manusia lainnya, di masa itu hingga kini yang melahirkan inspirasi-inspirasi baru yang tak bertepi dan tak berkesudahan.
Setiap kata mengandung masing-masing makna, semiotika, berupa gambaran atas sesuatu, reka bentuk atas hal tertentu. Maka kata memiliki gambarnya tersendiri. Sehingga ketika membaca gambar, yang terlahir adalah kata-kata. Bahkan kata-kata merupakan tubuh atau wadah bagi setiap benda. Raga merepresentasikan berbagai ungkap dan reaksi pikiran, rasa dan karsa manusia.
Tak hanya olah kata dalam bait-bait puisi, namun juga ketika gambar sanggup menyimpan jutaan kata-kata, kata-kata menjadi kunci ampuh bagi setiap orang berkehidupan [termasuk tubuh manusia]. Seni performa adalah salah satunya. Semuanya saling bermetamorfosa.
Apresiasi Kata, Performa dan Makna merupakan salah satu program edukatif, apresiatif di samping fungsinya yang menghibur di tataran seni / dunia estetika. Acara yang dikoordinasi oleh AppreRoom ini akan menjadi sumbangsih yang bermanfaat bagi khasanah pengetahuan siapa saja melalui dukungan Bentara Budaya Jakarta, tentunya.
Drawing Words: between Visual and Body
Related Programs
1. Photos & Poetry exhibition· Works artist / photographer of local & international.
2. Seminar / Discussion / Workshop 3 days [indoor & outdoors]
18/10 Monday
15.00-16.00 : "Aph-o-rism Project : Silence Space in Words &
Performa" by Atieq SS Listyowati
16.00-17.00 :"Silence in ODc. Psychosomatic" by Okty Budiati
19/10 Tuesday
15.00-17.00 : Sharing Forum/presentation by workshop's participants
20/10 Wednesday
15.00-17.00 : Sharing Forum/presentation by workshop's participants
3. Performance | 5-9pm | 18-20 Oct'
* · Open Mike [read poetry / prose]
· Together the poets and poetry readers of the local & international
* · Performance Art
· With the local and international performance artist |
Theme: Noise
Venue : Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Jl. Palmerah Selatan - Jakarta
Time: 18-19-20 October 2010 [Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday]
* 1. Photos & Poetry exhibition | Opening October 18, 2010
* 2. Seminar / Workshop 3 days | 18-20 October 2010· 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
* 3. Performance | Open Mike & Performance Art | 18-20 October 2010· 17:00 to 21:00
* Develop the existence of discourse and study art history in Asia for expansion of cultural insights with the existence of different perspectives, between tradition and contemporary to the latest developments through a comparison of art in all countries of Asia;
* Increase awareness of the existence of endless space in human creativity as a source of knowledge as well as a reflection of life, and art in order to become an oasis in the process of civilization as well as the ability of knowledge through factual data;
* To contribute ideas and cultivate a positive attitude, tolerance and understanding in the context of global solidarity and universal, vertical and horizontal in the various parties through sharing and networking forum in the international community for the common good;
The words are the oldest media to describe various details of the expression of thought, feeling, and intention of human. But its existence until now the thing that is always amazing to be discussed.
Various things in every aspect of human life both in the scope of the cosmos may be mediated by the words. Both words are listed stated and will even get caught by the stones inscriptions, artifacts and manuscripts are then summarized in the various scriptures like any scientific works and a collection of beautiful theories of Socrates and others. Overall it was evocative of other human beings, at that time until now the birth of new inspirations are endless and interminable.
Each word contains each meaning, semiotics, a picture of something, they form over a particular matter. So the word has its own image. So when reading images, which are born are the words. Even the words of a body or container for each object. Raga and represent a variety of reactions expressed thoughts, feeling and intention of human.
Not only were the words in the verses of poetry, but also when the picture could save millions of words, words become a powerful key to everyone in life [including the human body]. Performance art is one of them. Everything is metamorphosed to each other.
Words Appreciation, Performance and Meaning is one of the educational program, in addition to its function appreciative of entertaining at the level of art / aesthetic world. The event is coordinated by AppreRoom. This would be a useful contribution to the repertoire of knowledge through the support of anyone and Bentara Budaya Jakarta.
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